One of my favorite books is Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey. In it is the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman, the Native American Spirit Goddess. I am rereading that book right now and rediscovering the beauty of her words. Her message reminds us to temper passion with wisdom. We need passion to accomplish anything in life but like a wildfire, it can destroy everything in its path to the goal. But there are ways to harness passion to create-our lives, our children, our ideas into form. She talks about focused power being the source of creation:
“Creation requires a gathering together and focusing of your power within a circle of commitment -like a seed, an egg, a womb or marriage. In the warm atmosphere of that circle, the power of love builds and builds until suddenly the circle can hold no more power and explodes in the conception of the new” – Return of the Bird Tribes.
Gratitude for the miracle that is our life. Our experience here on earth is ours to design among the other sacred beings including Earth herself. In the story, she talks about the dark days and the future that is to come. The light that is almost extinguished in the hearts of man. But there are a few gentle ones who carry the light burning brightly. That time to shine the light has come. Follow your passions – Focus your energy – Love is in everything you do.