The end of the world? Or just the beginning?
Leave it to silicon valley to create ever more division in the external. The simplistic statement “robots taking over the world” was thought to mean a replacement for repetitive jobs, not the creative mind.
I thought I would weigh in on the AI art (r)evolution. As a writer who always wanted to to illustrate, AI art capabilities are a dream come true. I am finally seeing that which is in my imagination come to the 3rd dimension. And I can inexpensively put a visual with my stories. To me it is fun, a creative motivator and not a threat. I’ve thought about the fact that GPT3 can now write an entire novel or at least an SFD and the implications for the novelist who sweats it out for months…that’s another post.
Why have the first applications of Open AI been “targeted” to the creative side of life? My conspiracy brain is always running in the background and can run amok at any moment. And if I go down that path, control and ultimately death of the artist comes to mind. BUT I am the first to call bullshit for most of what happens in the external world, teaching discernment and I know there are no victims. AI art programs are a neutral tool, that can be used for good or evil in the hands of the individual. And the hands are the workers of the heart. But it has to be a choice.
Artists create for connection. There can be connection using AI programs, I do feel it when I use them. Remember EVERYTHING is God. Including AI programs. It’s just less.
To create is to be human. It is why we are here on earth. To create and expand. Can you use these programs to expand? Absolutely. But there needs to be more. The shortcut isn’t growth. The artist creates out of pain, joy, disappointment, passion and devotion to something greater than self. Those experiences can’t be artificially duplicated (yet).
Art expresses Humanity. Your humanness is the key ingredient to always remember, cherish and never relinquish for ease or comfort. This is just the beginning of the AI takeover. And every individual will have to choose what part you want it to play in your life.
Choose wisely my friend…